Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bird of Prey

The 2 Headed Condor

My bird is called the 2 Headed Condor. It lived in mid-evil times and it lived in a cave in a mountain so it makes it’s nest out of rocks and bones. The 2 Headed Condor usually makes a cave near a river so it can get water. The 2 Headed Condor is so filthy, after it eats it’s pray it takes the bones and puts them in it’s cave. It uses it’s mettle talons to pierce knight’s armor. When it attacks it’s pray it attacks strait on surprising it before it can react it stabs it with it’s super sharp beak and its dead. Then the right head tars it open and then the left head cooks it with a mighty fire ball and both get an equal share. It wouldn’t have gotten it’s meal if it wasn’t for the spikes on it’s wings. The spikes brake down air so the flight is silents.

Very Nice Job Shermie!

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