Sunday, August 21, 2011

Football VS. Football

The Tickets are finally in.  The kids again this year will each get a chance to go.
This weekend it was Annalyn, Matthew and Tuffer's turn. After finding out she got to go with Daddy and she got a new cheerleader outfit Annalyn was very impatient to get the ball rolling.

Good thing she had here brother to entertain her while she waited.

This weekend was also Shermie's very first football game ever. He is number 94.

So while we were watching this:

They were doing this:

Getty up horsey!
This was their seats:
Annalyn was the hit of the day at the Broncos football game. She stole the show from The Stampede in the parking lot. As they played  she danced and the camera phones were all on her. If they stopped she would give them a look to say "well keep playing" and they laughed and played some more.They even let her do one of the drums. Then gave her a autographed drumstick which she calls her Bronco Stick (this has now been hidden due to the obvious drawbacks of giving a two year old a drumstick).

This was my seat. Shermie did AWESOME! I am so proud of him. What a fun game to watch. I am pretty sure I had the best of that deal.

Go Team!!

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