Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hunting (In Pictures)

This Guy...
Invited this Guy...
To go hunting last weekend. So after raiding his dad's hunting supplies then enlisting me to make enough chili "for four fat guys"and finding socks and blankets they went hunting here...
This is their Tent...
With a fireplace...
And plenty of space and food...
And comfy beds.
This is what they brought home...

Yep that's it. ZIP... SQUAT. But it was a good time I am told and my dreams of elk meat will have to wait until next time. I also heard they spotted a FIVE point elk and were planning to get it first thing in the morning but someone beat them to it. So is that like the "BIG ONE" that got away? Hmmm...
Better Luck Next Time Boys.

1 comment:

Jessie Anne said...

Sherman has a history of seeing elk and letting them pass by without trying to get one! I'm shocked he went at all!