Sunday, January 30, 2011

Into Mom's Make-Up

Mom, I got into your make up and did my own! Don't I look PRETTY!
WHAT?! What do you mean, You don't like it?!
I'm in trouble?...
I am so ASHAMED!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Race Day!!!

The lunch bet was set (loser buys) the race was on. Here they are prepping the cars for the weigh in.

Don't all those cars look nice. Way to go Cubs!
They did it AGAIN!!!  But opposite of last year.  They took FIRST:

                   And SECOND:
I guess we are buying lunch again this year! Good job boys I am proud of the work you did and your sportsmanship.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Derby Dual: In The Making-Tuffer's Car

Tuffer choose to do a very interesting design. I was eager to see just how it would come out. They drill pressed holes for the weights and sanded and sanded some more.

They had these cool weight things that also kept the wheels from falling off.

Then came the multi-color paint job it involved much taping and spraying.

The reveal.
Add the decals, and Vola! A lot of work but a very nice paint job!

Now Off to the Races!!!

Derby Dual: In The Making-Shermie's Car

Shermie's done really good on his car. The design is all his own. They went over to Pop pop to use the band saw to cut it out. The rest they did at home with the Dremal. They took a video with Sherman's phone that we couldn't get sent to the computer for some reason. I am really sad about it too because the video of Shermie using the Dremal while Sherman is holding the car so hilarious.
Drawing the template for the hole in the middle. Using the Dremal.

Shermie as he gets ready to use the belt sander. Do you think he looks a little unsure? Then came the paint.
Here is the finished car! Pretty cool looking!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Boo's Pretties

Today we went to the mall to get my jewelery repaired. While we were there I convinced Sherman to let Annalyn get her ears pierced. She was great! She cried a little to begin with...

...but as soon as they showed her the sucker she was a happy camper.
When we got home she was looking at them in the mirror and showing them off to me.
This is the pose she struck when I asked her to show me her pretties. She looks so stinking cute with them!!!
Little Sweet Face!

Derby Dual: The Planning

Here we go again. Pinewood derby time. This year Sherman will be helping Shermie and Pop Pop will help Tuffer. The boys are starting there planning. They have been researching on the web and drawing out there cars.

I can't wait to see what they come up with!
Here is a sneak peek of what Shermie has in mind.

Tuffer is keeping his under wraps so as Shermie and his Dad can't see it until race day.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Never To Cold To Enjoy

Sherman found time this weekend to put up the trampoline the boys got for Christmas.  As so as it was up they were all over it.  They take every opportunity to go out and jump until they're hands are cold then they come in just long enough to defrost them then right back out. I guess it's never to cold to to enjoy it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Shooting and Strep

New Years Day Annlyn and I had strep throat. Sherman was suppose to take us to Docs on Call but opted to go shooting in the desert with the boys and his dad instead. Luck for me I have a wonderful mother-in-law who took us for him. They had a good time and Duke did really well with the noise of the guns.
After the Doctor and the desert we all enjoyed lunch together and watched football.
It was a very relaxing. Thank you Susan for your help.