Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Well I'm not sure I like it but we moved Annalyn to her own room. She now has a twin bed instead of the crib. We moved the boys to the front of the house and put her in the room closest to us. She was very excited to help decorate and put her stuff in her room. She went to bed the first night very easily.
The next night I had to but her back in bed 50 times with in 30 minutes. After that she decided it wasn't worth the fight and went to sleep. She looks so little in her big bed.
Her Daddy but the mirror right at her level. She obviously loves it, apparent by the spit and smear marks she tired to wipe off.
I love her wall hanging and curtains. They go so well with her dressers I painted before. It is so fun to have a girl and do the cute stuff!
Little sleepy baby all tucked in. She has no problem now going to bed. But I miss having her so close in the computer room.

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