Thursday, July 24, 2008

Of Snakes and Boys

I heard shouting, fighting and running coming up the stairs.....okay that could be any given day at any given anyway, the Boys were so thrilled to find this little guy out in our backyard.** (Their Great-Mas would be freaking out, she hates snakes! So you better not read this to her, Gramie)

We have another snake living around our yard that we see all the time. They call it "Our Friend Snake". Every time it's spotted, they feel the need to pick it up (even when told not to, they are such boys) or have me do it (good thing I don't mind, I know some friends who would mind-- well you know who you are).

Usually I talk them into "just looking" a little while then I say, "Okay, it has to go back to it's family now. That way it will want to stay around the yard." Which maybe that should be rethought if snakes are going to start populating the yard. Oh well, less bugs. It sure was a cool little snake. Don't worry though, it survived the man-handling and was released outside.
**No snakes where harmed in the making of this blog post

1 comment:

berrymom said...

What fun! We have a pet yard snake must be the neighborhood. We usually see ours in the garden. You are braver than I am, though...I don't pick it up. I don't mind looking really close, but touching it...I don't know. If someone dared me I would definitely do it, but just by myself...I don't think so :)