...with his cape, Transformer shirt, spiderman shoes, Bob the Builder goggles and Deigo sticker. Got to love advertising. At least the cape is Aunt Kimi made. It is one of his favorite things. When he wears it, it is every where for days until it conveniently needs to be washed. Though she did make four of them so he just uses his brothers' capes as back up.
With fly action!
Here are some funny things he has said that I wanted to get down.
While on the phone with Aunt Nana:
Nic- Are you coming home this weekend?
Nana- No, I'm never coming home.
Nic- Well, now you're just being sarcastic!
While in the car:
Nic- Mom. Grandpa makes everyone dressers and Pop pop makes cars and Jesus makes everything else except for houses, builders make those.
(For the record Grandpa does not make dressers and I have no idea where he came up with that. I think it was because grandpa was building shelves last time he was there.)
The primary program is coming up. Nicholas' part- I will obey may parents. How well do they know him???? After he told Gramie what his part was she asked him if he knew what "obey" meant.
Nic- No
Gramie- It means you do what they say.
Nic- Oh, No! I not that!
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